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The Database

Main commands

See also Contents.

The database is distributed in several parts, which are all .txt files. The items are separated by spaces.
That makes working in the base easy, but of cours risky, and has some drawbacks, for example the fact that an item must be composed of a continuous chain of characters. If there are several words, they must be connected, generally by an underscore _ .

In principle, no new file should be added without using the "standard" process, through zSas et the ad hoc commands.

Due to performance reasons, the database is parted into
FAM : family of Pierre Berger
SPIR : spirituality
BART : art
DIC : diccan
INFE : semantic tree for inference
ROX : all the remaining data
To begin a query you must first select one of them

Creation and updating

The base being a set of .txt files, il has been created and can be updates, completed or corrected manually.

To make easier the creation of base items pointing on the files in directory, we can use dirlist , which creates a file dirList.txt in the (previously assigned) directory . This file must be completed before integration in the database.

dirlistH creates the same file, with HTML opening and closing, and .html extension.

the adhoc directoty is computed by getTargetDir()

Sort operations on texts (mainly the database)

In the function textSort(int column, char sort_order, int columnSup){

column is the column selected
sort order is d is for direct sort , r for reverse.
columnSup says it the sort column must be or not suppressed in the produced file

tsort calls textSort(number, 'd', 0). then the column has to be pre-selected, the column is suppressed
rsort : calls textStsort (number, 'r', 0)
ssort : textSort(number, 'd', 9); with suppression of the column
tsortb : textSort(number, 'd', 2) sorts on the column given by number and creates a .txt file
tsortH : textSort(number, 'd', 3) id; creates a HTML file

tsortn : textSort(number, 'n', 2); like tsort but sorts numerically
rsortn : textSort(number, 'N",2); like rsort, but numerically
tsortp : textSort(number, 'p', 2);

the third parameter (columnsup) is used by t


checkb (for "check back") calls the checkBack(1) function, which reads Check.html (case 1 reads Web.hml).


The assets are all the local files which can be called by Roxame. The Web can be considered another asset, but calls for other procedures.

The database includes
- directly informative lines
- links on Roxame's assets
These are distributed in several main directories (not all of them are covered by the database)
- Asti
- Pierre_Personal (part of this is not public)
- Corporations as computer users
- Family
- Siggraph
- Diccan (website)
- Roxame itself, with its data subdirectory, including ;

Annecy 2009
Arles 2009
New-York 2012
Siggraph Asia 2008
Saint-German en Laye
Siggraph 2006
Site Web, diccan
Us en Vexin

Programming tips

The code ; Tools mainly, but some formats are also used for acquisition and editinf of assets (notably checky followed by chby)

Acquisition process

In princple, all acquisitions enter through the zSas directory, where
- day-to-day notes are entered after checking from a Journal.txt file
- files of any kind are first stored, in particular pictures. Then these assets are distibuted ihto the relevant directories, and a for each file a line is created in the Base

structure in dirList : <img src = "Vie_Parisienne_1.JPG" height = 100 > 1880C 4 Paris Vie-Parisienne article </a>

structure in dirList.adj (after 11 formadj) : 1880C 4 Paris 00 00 00 00 00 <a href = "Vie_Parisienne_13.JPG" > Vie-Parisienne article </a>

structure in dirAtom : 1880C 4 Paris 00 00 00 00 00 <a href = "Vie_Parisienne_1.JPG" > Vie-Parisienne article </a>

structure in the BAse : 63864 2016 2 WW 00 115 89 V 5 <a href = "!!!SITE_WEB//Computers\Dark_Age_1.jpg" > CACM digital dark age </a>

Structure of the base lines

The base is made of lines, strictly formatted on the left, rather free on the right. Examples :

34797 2005 2 Paris 00 0 5 W 5 <a href = "!!!SITE_WEB/dicoport/AHDicnc_3181.html" > RPC</a>
62971 2005 4 ML 00 149 27 H 5 <a href = "Roxame/data/Test\Test2.JPG" > Test2 </a>

0. Item number

Unique in the full base for each line. But numbers may miss.
A code to ensure the unicity of each line, and qukk search (event sourcing concept)

1 - date

year of reference (event, publication...). Possibly with suffixes , notably C (circa) and P (period)

2 - semantic domain

0 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //Science en généraltDir
0 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //Science en général
0.1 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //Minéraux, univers
0.2 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //végétaux et vie en général
0.3 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //animaux
0.4 : !!!SITE_WEB//Science" ; //humanité
0.5 : Famille" ; //famille /branches/périodes
0.6 : Pierre_Personnel" ; //moi
0.7 : PS" ;
0.8 Siggraph" ;
0.9 Pleiades
1!!!SITE_WEB//Technology" ; //
1.1 : !!!SITE_WEB//Technology" ; // transport technologies
//1.1.0 Automobile
//1.1.2 Rail
//1.1.3 Mer
//1.1.4 Air
1.2 : !!!SITE_WEB//Technology" ; //military technologies
2 : !!!SITE_WEB//Computers" ; //technologies de l'information
// 2.0 Hardware, constructeurs ?
// 2.1 Hardware
// 2.2 Périphériques
// 2.3 Software
// 2.5 Communications Médias
// 2.6 Méthodes
// 2.9 Mys, Diccan
3 : Utilisateurs-Entreprises" ; //management
4 : !!!SITE_WEB//Blog" ; //art en général
// 4.1 Jeux
// 4.2 Jeux
// 4.3 Jeux
// 4.4 Jeu de cartes
// 4.5 Sport
// 4.6 Arts de mouvement : Musique, théâtre, performance, cuisine
// 4.7 Arts statiques : peinture, sculpture, architecture
4.8 : !!!SITE_WEB//Literature" ; // langage linguistique poésie
4.9 : !!!SITE_WEB//Philosophy" ; //philosophie inclut PAM, Olympus Transgression
5 : !!!SITE_WEB//Spirituality" ; //spiritualité
// 5.1 Event
// 5.2 Groups
// 5.3 Person
// 5.4 Concept
// 5.5 Place
// 5.6 Text

6 : !!!SITE_WEB//Politics" ; // politique
//8 : Berger, textes théoriques
9 : Roxame

3 - Location,

can be WW for worldwidde of NL for non location-related lines
In clear. Normally, the present geographic region, even for past events. But with some flexibility.
Will be possibly used with the help of the semanctic tree INFE

4 - Number of selections

Incremented each time an item is selected
Number of times the line has been seleced by the function searchword()

5 - 1st quality factor

dsat (for an image) For an image, medium saturation of the colors. For a text, number of words.

6 - 2d quality factor, complexity

difgRatio (for an image) for a text, number of lines

7 - line type

B book
D other kind of documet
H image, horizontal proportions (landscape)
I image, format other than jpg JPG png
L line without link
T text (.txt) link
V image vertical proportions (portrait)
W HTML page

8 - love mark

hand-attributed by Pierre Berger
0 to be deleted
1 private
2 poor quality
10 standard
20 the best ones

9-11 <a href =

12 the link

if any

13 >

The rest of the line

is free.

tDir = "Pierre_Personnel";

Small notes acquiring with upload

You write them in a Journal file, placed directly in refDir directory.
Each small text is introduced by *** at the beginning of its first line

Programming hints

The code ; A_measure.

check service 0005 000 1434
check.c comment 000 000 loof for errors in Roxame base or selections
checkb service 26 to edit back base files
checke generator 50
checke.c comment 000 000 generation of a web page for editing
checki generator 0093 -1105 51
checki.c comment 000 000 generation of a web page for editing
checkt generator 0085 -1102 52
checkt.c comment 000 000 generation of a web page for editing
checkz generator 0082 -1101 53
checkz.c comment 000 000 generation of a web page for editing

Batch operations on the base or parts of it

formadj is a quite open toolbox to change someting in all the lines of a .txt file.

It is specified by the number variable, with the present cases (on may 2016) :

02 : experiment for inferonal
03 : for Roxame directories report
04 : add a column
05 : line end cleaning
06 : for Journal
07 : au format base,
08 : to remove duplicate lines
09 : to renumber
10 : id.
11 : au format base
12 : pour les fichiers Berger
13 : test pour Diccanieriser Diccan
14 : addeval , with differenciated process according to the extension
15 :image saturation, difg, H/V, cote d'amour, ancienne formule
16 : for neuron networks (no longer useful ...)

dirimg : dirList(5) ;

dirrename dirRename(1);

Main functions

void textSave(String textTosave, int column, int columnSup){

void extensionSearch() { auxiliary function to get the extensionSearch in a data base line
and extensionSearch2()

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.