Terms of Sale    


All Roxames's works presented on this web site may be bought, with availability limites.

If you wish to buy, noting easier, even if we do not offer yet online payment. Then, phone to Pierre Berger  336 626 054 39 or send hime a mail on pmberger@noos.fr

He will give us the various formats, prices, availabilty and delay states.

You can also call Anna Arduini 336 076 678 03 or anna.arduini@tele2.fr


Diferent kinds of works

The available works may be Unique paintings or limited edition prints. They are offered on paper or mounted on canvas.


Pierre Berger's Book "L'informatique libère l'humain. La relativité digitale" (Computer and human freedom, the digital relativity)

You can buy it on line from the publisher' (L'Harmattan) site :



We are ready to answer any question. Don't hesitate to contact us.



Tél : 06 62 60 54 39

e-mail : pmberger@noos.fr



Communication Consultant

Tél. : 06 07 66 78 03

e-mail : anna.arduini@tele2.fr