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Lists an suffixes

Main commands


ac changes the name of iterative action (generally launched by $=
ar all regions. present version not OK
cc concatebates the text indicated by the word to the present loaded text
lb is dealt with in the do function, is a branch label for scripts
ly inlayFile
nm repetition
nx gets the nearest word in dico (does not work properly)
pl palette setting
rd random selection in the list
sh works only with tubes
sp loads tne next palette
sw for "sweep", sequence choice in a list, according to work number
tb tubeset setting
tr tree. in fact
ts tree search (not operational)
tx writes on the sceen
wd assigns a value to the refWordW variable


Macro insructions are written in dico, with the macro_ category, and stay there.

They are dealt the same way as a command line with several words. And you can write your own macros, directly in your dicoData file.


It is one of the categories in dico.
You do'nt access to the List function in the command line, but indirectly throug suffixes.

If you program, you can develop using the funcion List (strl, SUF, listName, CAT).
The operations then depends on the nature of SUF.

It is one of the categories in dico.
You access to the elements of the list as follows

Through the funcion List (strl, SUF, listName, CAT).
The operations then depends on the nature of SUF.

.rd random selection in the list
.sw , "sweep" sequence choice in a list, according to work number

Programming tips

The code : mainly zDdo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.