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Join Roxame's Club.

Roxame wishes to progress with the cooperation of friends, sponsors and partners. We are examining the working rules of a Club which could read as follows :

All are members of Roxame's Club.

- are advised by mail of new publications on the site (works, textes) and events
- receive each year a small format work of Roxame
- have a 20% rebate on Roames's Works and Roxame'events
- pay a 10 euro annual subscription. this one is free for members acquiring more than 100 euros of Roxames'woks during a year

- benefit of the services to friends
- are presented on the home page of the site
- receive each year a canvas of Roxame
- pay a 1000 euros annual subscription (specific services will be offered for more important subscitpions)

- benfeitof the services to sponsors,
- contribute in non-monetary may, for instance, by giving a commercial support to the site or events, technical support (at least to full days of work).

Roxame's club holds regular meetings, at least six by year. Ordinary meetings take place in Le Père Tranquille in Paris, and participation (other than restaurant orders) is free and resevet to members. Specific contributions is charged for other events.

If you feel interested, please say it by email to Pierre Berger or Anna Arduini

The take- off party is planned for september 2005

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