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Roxame's mood

Main commands

Mood :

moodSynth : computes Roxame's mood
Emot : changes Roxames's mood

moodname changes the moodname (not the mood value...)
affmood scolls the mood name and refMood

These functions assign directly the moodIndex and moodName, according to the table below :

Happiness Openness Energy 0 Energy 2 Energy 4
0 0 depressive sad autist
0 2 morose negative aggressive
0 4 stressed terrible nihilist
2 0 somnolent sleeping meditative
2 2 attentive serene active
2 4 keen cooperative work_loving
4 0 on-a-cloud busy extatic
4 2 talk-oriented very_active overbooked
4 4 in-love enthusiastic appassionate


cold sober alive drunk mad are operational only if the following parameter is sensitive

rigid sensitive soft


A lot to say !
The present emotional system of Roxame is fairly crude.

The set of mood values :


How does mood evolves
Consequences of mood on interaction and creation

Programming tips

The code ; Roxame

refUbris : cold sober alive drunk mad are operational only if refStyle is sensitive

refStyle : rigid sensitive soft

Main variables

Int opnn,hapn,enrg,ptnt


Main functions

case 174 : moodSynth(); break; //moodsynth
case 1532 : //moodname moodName();

case 1543 : moodIndex = 0; moodName(); break; //depressive
case 1544 : moodIndex = 1; moodName(); break;//sad

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