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Image loading and storing, Mix

See also Mix

Main commands

Image formats

Image formats (sizes), controlling also the display in the user interface
TestD: 360.288 a small format, useful for tests on long series or algorithms
BD: 640.480 The former standard format for Roxame
SD: 720.576
HD: 1280.720
A4L: 1485.1050 A4 landscape
A4P: 1050.1485 A4 portrait
FHD: 1920.1080
4KM: 3480.2160
: 4096.2160
Note that the size of the stored file for an image is smaller than the raw product, due to compression.

image calls image() and chooses the firts image found in the select file
randomimage chooses random image in the select file

abym or abyme: Abyme(); from the present image, simulates the double mirror recursive process

AG case 3 : AG(); generates an abstract image
binim case 4 : Binim() ; generates of sort of worm. it's a sort of game to illustrate a minimal command system
champery case 5 : Champery(); generates a random image, specifically done for tests
segapla : starting from a segmented image, computes the average color in each region and applies it to all the pixels of this region
space_perm : Spaceperm(); break; //space_perm

synth4 : Synth4() ; . image generation from a text, using font generator, and random placement of successive letters
synth5 : Synth5(); using a wwidth.480 pixels of 24 bits space, a "machine language"
synth6 : Synth6(); synth6 cloud generation around the center . similar to 2002 but for coordinates computing

classe_texture calls void Classe_Texture() . It's a powerful and sometimes very pleasang generator of images, for instance Coffee :

check prepares a list of erroneous image calls

Image generation

case 35 : Resonance(); break; //resonance , just an image
Foms generation.
case 99 : Gen_reg_gen(1,1,1,1); break ;
FRFilter : forRegFilter(number); break; //FRFilter

void morphSeg(){ //a du être l'ancêtre de maxCut

void morphSeg2(){

Technical hints

The code ; Mix

loading :
load gets the presently referred to image, frot the present refSubdirectory, into img2 and applies preMix and Mix
preMix generates img3
Mix uses img3 to update the appropriate region (regRef) of img
Affich displays img (function set(...)

(note that the Processing function text writes only in the display, then when used, imposes to recuparate the display into img.

If the image is referenced in dico or dicodata, just type its name and it is loaded. The image must be .JPG (beware with lowercase

The working image can be placed in reserve insevera different places. Just write reserve1, reserve2…. reserve9 ...

This image will be reloaded with the corresponding command reload1, reload2… reload9.

The image can be copied in an auxiliary file with the tabix command, and then got back and combined to the main image with one or the thres functions

tabim3 : subtractive merge
tabim4 : additive merge
tabim0 : replacemnet

(this part is no longer up to date).

If the image proportions are not exactly those of the working format (e.g. 640.480 pixels), the loading must cope with an adaptation. There are three main solutions :

- the image is stetched both horizontally and vertically, which implies a deformation- une partie de - the image is cropped horizontally or vertically
- the image is loaded in totallity and Roxame adds some background solid color where needed

image, series of images
format of the image (HD etc. )
possibly final filter (BW, graying, segapla...)

my series of face.rec and the corresponding product


enrich functions enrich list 000 000 Fuzzy_to_sharp Rectangles Triangles Color_rect Oct_coloring Oct_col3 Segafuzz Coloring C_touch Class_texgture Roundquad
backGround : arrière plans pour générateurs automatiques

Gen_reg_gen : fonction générale de génération (fonctionnement peu sûr dans l’état actuel)

void formsAddNum(int int1) {//adds forms up to a given difg level ====

save can save an existing work. But there can be some confusion and destroyint precedent images with the same name. Then use rather nww.

nww will give the work an unique number in the sas directory, and will re-initialize Roxame for the next work, with a white page and the standard parameters.

Main variables


several img are created in setupAux and in jpgLoad

img = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB); created alsi ub jpgLoad , in Champery
img2 = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB); // used in Averagecolreg , in Premix ,
img3 //used in preMix , at the end of Filter
img4 //inside Mix
imgx = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB); //used in segment6 , in differpixel (Gouchet), Fuzz and several filters, by Regtabimx, mkLine, Report , doForm ; Geom
imgy = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB); //id. and ub Redsky, by Report (80,0) . also in ( reserve if keempode = 0
imgz = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB); //used by Redsky and Longuet
imgm = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB);
et le "img nul" which you have directly with get and set, in which writes t text. Often in set

in palette, we have set if refdialmode = 0; else, img.set
in Filter n, set si ... and img2 sinon .

For reserve :
PImage imgres ;
imgres = createImage(wwidth, wheight, RGB);


twoWider: //used ub Mix and Premix

Reload creates a PImage
jpgLoad creates an b image and uses it, mainnly with img and null
but imgy in clipy (in jpgload)

text writes in the set. Recuperated in s img

Main functions

void Image(){

image() displays the l'image


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