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Geometry and morphogeometry

Main commands

X  and   Z replace each pixel by the rhomboid (respectively the rectangle) which contain it. Then we have an enlarging of the non-white zones.

x and z (lowercase) do the same, except pour the original pixel, which becomes white. Then we have someting like contours, or multiple parallel lines.

XXX and ZZZ do the operation thrice.

The same functions, with a 2 added at end (for instance x2, Z2...) give similar results, but with expansion of the whites againts the colors.


flip and flip_H flip horizontally
flip_v flips vertically
flip_d flips diagonally (horizontally and vertically)

More elaborate symmetries (get a list typing sym.c) are available in three seriees, each one with vertical, horizontal and diagonal variants :

sym_h , sym_v  et sym_d operate arount the center of the image
symG_h,  symG_v, et symG_d  operate around the Golden section
symR_h, , symR_v  et symR_d operate around lines chosen at random

These symmetries mix the original image with its symmetric image, merging in additive or subtractive mode according to the image density.


Roxame has a set of elementary "morphogeometric" functions, i.e. applying a given patten to each pixels. The results can be quite surprising and disappointing, but sometimes great.

Generally, nothing interesting (if something at all) will be obtain from a reaist picture. Bigin by a reduction to contours or to a (binarily) white-black document (BW function). Some interesting results can also be obtained with

Roxame's basic functions of this king work on a white background

Programming tips

The code : Geom,



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