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Main commands

film generates a script

curtain_S : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 1; refMovetype = 0;
curtain_N : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 2; refMovetype = 0;
curtain_E : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 3; refMovetype = 0;
curtain_W : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 4; refMovetype = 0;
fading : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 101; refMovetype = 0;
blink1_2 : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 102; refMovetype = 0;
blink1_4 : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 103; refMovetype = 0;
blink3_5 : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 104; refMovetype = 0;
subtractive _mix: refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 6; refMovetype = 0;
background : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 0; refMovetype = 0;
additive_mix : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 7; refMovetype = 0;
max_winner_mix : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 8; refMovetype = 0;
min_winner_mix : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 9; refMovetype = 0;
nplusun : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 10; refMovetype = 0;
sine_vib : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 111; refMovetype = 0;
loop_prop : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 121; refMovetype = 0;
loop_prop_inf : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 122; refMovetype = 0;
tempo_blink : refMixClipType = 1; refMixType = 123; refMovetype = 0;

move_type specifies the refMovetype parameter, at start set at 0
keep_mode followed by a number specifies the refKeopmode parameter, at start set to 0 , it plays in the Filter instruction and the mix (service 1320) function.

x_start, y_start, x_stop et y_stop specify the position of a rectangle

framecount (service 1310) followed by a number, sets the refMaxFrameCount parameter

save_ creates a frame from the existing page
stay creates a sequence of identifal fames, for the indicated number


Not directly an input/output format for Roxame. To work on them, dowloaded films must be separated in images and for the output, symetrically, assembled.

Roxame generate films through scripts, which are transformec by scripte into a series of rames.

Roxame has special commands built specifically for films, notably curtain and move

the combination of premix and mix functions, which would be uselessly comlex for images, are there mainly for films, an image being, so to speak, a specific case of film.

Programming tips

Explanation of a film script

Le Lac (Youtube) exemple de film fait par Roxame à partir d'un script.

scriptWord[] begins at 2

filmName Film0_ // opening, name of the film

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Algoristes_0.JPG background 1 //background image

new service 1371 .

Then we have the name of the background file, the instruction to put it in background, and the maximum number of frames for this view

background service 1331, defines modes
refMixClipType 1
refMixType 0
refMovetype 0

text_color 0
< Galop d'essai en // < Service 1349
< création collaborative
< avec des images de Bret, Hébert
< des filtres de Roxame, Gouchet, Ameyed
< des photos de Berger
< Script pour Roxame par Berger

< 15/4/2025

save_ //service 1362

filter primerize curtain_W 1

//end //if you want the film stop there. useful for adjustments

stay 50 //defines the number of grames

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Textures\\Yellow_wood9.JPG background 1 //a new page with its background

FL //position
H1 //fontsize
text_color 10 //font color
< Attention : //line
< Ce petit film n'est pas
< une vraie création
< Juste une "preuve de concept"
text_color 6
< Coopérer, c'est possible !
text_color 9
< Merci de réserver votre jugement...
< ... pour la suite !
text_color 0

save_ //why this service 1362 , backup of this page ?
stay 25 ///service 2372 saves/records the assigned number of frames


new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Hébert\\Hébert_70.JPG curtain_N 5
text_color 0
< Une image de
< Jean-Pierre Hébert
< L'inventeur du mot "algorist"
stay 25

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Bret_81.JPG curtain_N 5

< Maintenant
< quelques rectangles par Roxame


//new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Bret_81.JPG curtain_N 1
one // standard environment for form genrations in Roxame
keep_mode 1 //service 1319, sets tye keepmonde

framecount 5 //solid form for Roxame
form_fix 30 0 0 0 thick ascend 102 54 5 //service 1374 , must be the drawing of a form, with the Roxame's parameters
form_fix 30 0 0 0 thick ascend 102 54 5
form_fix 30 0 0 0 thick ascend 102 54 5
form_fix 30 0 0 0 thick ascend 102 54 5
form_fix 30 0 0 0 thick ascend 102 54 5

//new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Hébert\\Hébert_70.JPG curtain_N 1

text_color 0
< Filtre "Contours" de Roxame

filter contours fading 50 //filter, service 1370, commands the application of the other words on the ine, rather like a macro

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Bret_81.JPG curtain_E 25 //curtain_E, tells the way the new pages takes on place
text_color 0
filter differpixel curtain_N 10
< La danseuse filtrée par
< Differal (Xavier Gouchet)

stay 25

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Bret_22.JPG curtain_N 25
stay 25
text_color 15
< Une autre danseuse filtrée par
< Primerize (de Xavier Gouchet)
text_color 12
< très mal recopié par P. Berger
stay 25

filter primerize curtain_W 25
stay 50


new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Algoristes\\Bret_81.JPG curtain_S 25
stay 19
text_color 15
< La danseuse filtrée par
< Darine Ameyed
filter ameyed fading 50

new c:\\Roxame\\data\\Textures\\Yellow_wood1.JPG background 1



text_color 10
< Il faudra faire (beaucoup) mieux
< la prochaine fois !!!
stay 10000


end //shuts Roxame

Programming tips

The code : Formats

Main functions

film calls for the Film() function, which loads Select_S, prepares a Script file then applies ScriptE to it.

Then you use Magic, immporting all the frames, righ-click on an image at bottom, say its for all images. Then save the film.

void Film(){

filmK case 1378 : mediaType = "Film"; println("in 1378 mediatype " + mediaType);
postK case 1379 : mediaType = "Post"; println("in 1379 mediatype " + mediaType);
filmScriptK 1380 : mediaType = "FilmScript" ; println("in 1380 mediatype " + mediaType);

form_move case 1373 :
form_fix case 1374 :
form_move_bck case 1375 :


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.