Diccan also can be considered a format to present a particular part of the data.
Diccan is mainly a set of HTML documents, including text and images, a little Javascripts, and pointers on documents of other formats (films, PDF...).
1. Atomization/Synthesis 2. Indexes preparation
The aim is to atomize the whole content of diccan, in order to
- afford different uses of its content, possibly with an artistic dimension beyon the documentary function (which remains primary)
- automate/aid several functions that are presently boring, such as updates in artists.
At present (5/2016), some functions are available.
They use the !Essai directory, in order no to perturb or overload the !!!SITE_WEB directory.
atomize (atomize()) is the main one, and includes linef (lineformat()) and fileass (fileass()).
You enter the name of a text (which must have been declared in Roxame/dico.txt or Roxame/data/dicodata.txt.
atomize calls the atomize() functio, which includes lineformat(), executes its own operations then calls fileass(). These two functions may be used separately when appropriate.
linef (calling the lineformat() function prepares a modified file ...frmtd.txt, to reduce the mistakes in the application of the principal function.
Then atomize() creates a new filefor each part of the original file beginnin with <a name . That excludes the heador of the file (<body>> ...). The last new file is cut on reading <HR>, in order to cut off the tail (for instance the partners logos).
Finally, atomize() calls fileass() which makes a dummy assembly of the new version or the original file, and places in !!!SITE_WEB with the prefix ass.
After manual check, you use fileatt (fileatt()) to replace the original version by the syntesided version.
It is used for the preparation and edition of the indexes. The global operation is called by indexes, a macro :
index_pre index_alpha_ index_dates_ index_geo_ index_specialite_ index_notoriete_ index_generatif_ index_genre_ indexcel
index_pre is also a macro : indexcopyartists indexcopyartistsback Artistes_cut tload tscut blue filler Artistes tload 02 ssort
indexcopyartists calls textCopyArtist(); It creates Artists.cut in data/Texts, adding a lowercase letter for hyperlinks creation.
indexcopyartistsback calls textCopyArtistBack();
tscut calls tsfilecut(); creates the new Artist file from a temporary Artists, including abbreviations for continents and specialties
ssort calls textSort(number, 'd', 9); sorts the file without suppression of the selected column (here 02 is the identifier ?)
Then the macro calls successively macros to prepare each index
index_alpha_ index_dates_ index_geo_ index_specialite_ index_notoriete_ index_generatif_ index_genre_
index_alpha_ is a macro tloadartistes 01 tsort Artistes_index_alpha tload Artistes1 tconcat fond_page_alpha tconcat tedit
Each one sorts the basic file, creating the failes Artistes1 to Artists7 in the Roxame/ data/Texts directory,
then prepares the publishedi index by concatenating a header, the index properly speaking (with subtitles) and a tail.
tloadartistes calls textLoad(refDixk + "Roxame\\data\\Texts\\Artistes.txt", 0);
tsort calls textSort(number, 'd', 0); which sorts the file and creates Artistes1, suppressing the selected column, here 1.
Artistes_index_alpha is the header HTML text for this index
tconcat concatenates Artistes1 to the header
fond_page_alpha is the end of the HTML file
tedit calls textEdit(); and creates the Artistes
txexcel 1418 to create an Excel file out of artisst index
tscopyexcel 1419
tfilter to extract works from the basic diccan files
tfilter2 to work on the Oeub file
tfilter3 cleaning of an HTML file
void tsfileexcel(){//temporary, to create a base for Excel sorts
void textCopyExcel(){//to copy the Artist file from !!!SITE_WEB into Roxame/data/texts
void tsfilecut(){//temporary, to create the new Artist file from a temporary Artists
void tsfilecut2(){
void textCopyArtist(){//to copy the Artist file from !!!SITE_WEB into Roxame/data/texts
void textCopyArtistBack(){//to copy the Artist file from !!!SITE_WEB into Roxame/data/texts
indexcopyartists 1415 textCopyArtist() for diccan, file transfers for artists indexex
indexcopyartistsBack 1416 textCopyArtistBack() idem