
Pierre Berger presents ROXAME©



The News




at Cité des Sciences


at Siana



on TR News



Visit the Gallery            1  2  3  4     (do not miss it r !)

Pierre Berger's Biography

Roxame, An Artist-Painter Robot

Why did Pierre Berger develop Roxame ?   (Extracts)

Painting and machine                           (The full text essay)

Painting in the XXIth century ? Why and how ?


You want to buy a Painting by Roxame

Roxame'S images and their use

Roxame in public (presentations)

 Roxame... first steps into maturity      (Soon on air)                                                                                                                   


Pierre Berger

Tél. : 06 62 60 54 39

e-mail : pmberger@noos.fr



Anna Arduini

Communication consultant

Tél. : 06 07 66 v78 03

e-mail : anna.arduini@tele2.fr




This Site has been designed par Anna Arduini